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Description |
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 | Alexander J.H. Kuhn
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 | Barbara Georgina Kuhn
9 |
 | Bernard Greenwood Kuhn
10 |
 | Bill Lynch
11 |
 | Bill Lynch at his "Bill Lynch fair" site.
12 |
 | Daniel Timmins and Joanna Frost
13 |
 | David H. Kuhn
14 |
 | David H. Kuhn
15 |
 | David Hector Kuhn
16 |
 | Edith Joan Lyttleton
17 |
 | Edith Joan Lyttleton Permission of owner
18 |
 | Ellen Dwyer Lyttleton Permission of owner
19 |
 | Emily Wood Lyttleton Permission of owner
20 |
 | Frederick Perrin
21 |
 | Funeral of William Charles Timmins The Evening Mail, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 25 May 1907. p. 6
22 |
 | George Clyne Lyttleton Permission of owner
23 |
 | Gravestone of Herman Campbell and Margaret Kuhn Campbell
24 |
 | Gravestone of John and other McNabs, Camp Hill Cemetery
25 |
 | Helen Hawthorne Ellis
26 |
 | James Timmins and Margaret (Maggie) Myers
27 |
 | Jane Allen Kuhn (Morehouse)
28 |
 | Jessie Boutilier Page
29 |
 | Jessie Boutilier Page
30 |
 | Joanna McNab, 1816 - 1908
31 |
 | Margaret Isabel Kuhn
32 |
 | Marriage to Eric Frederick Graven.
33 |
 | Mcnab's Island 1860
34 |
 | McNabs Island
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 | Molly Campbell
36 |
 | Nursted House, Alton, Hampshire, England Home of Roderick Hugonin family
37 |
 | Obituary W.C.Timmins Newspaper obituary: The Evening Mail. Halifax, NS. 21 May 1907. p.12
38 |
 | Peter Max Kuhn
39 |
 | Peter McNab
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 | Peter McNab KUHN
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 | Peter McNab KUHN
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 | Poster from the Bill Lynch Fair
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 | Susan McNab Howe
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 | The Bill Lynch Fund
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 | Westcote McNab Lyttleton Permission from owner
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 | Westcote Whitchurch Lewis Lyttleton and Sons (Westcote McNab, George Waldron, William Margrave Permission from owner
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 | Wilfred Kuhn
48 |
 | William Charles Timmins
49 |
 | William Max Kuhn Courtesy of Mary Osborne.