Sources |
- [S40] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1848 - 1851, Punch, Terrence M., (Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS. 1987), p. 133. #2349 (Reliability: 2).
Transcription from Acadian Recorder on 1 February 1851. By Rev. Mr. Bullock, Roderick s/o James John Hugonin, Nursted, Hampshire, /Harriet youngest d/o Hon.James McNab
- [S72] The family of Cassels, Cassels, Robert, (Edinburgh: author ), p.129 (Reliability: 2).
- [S48] Haulin" in the family net: Vol.IV, Gray-Leblanc, Linda, (Author: Halifax, NS. 1999), 90 (Reliability: 2).
- [S232] 1871 Census of England, Scotland and Wales, (Find My Past), (Reliability: 2).
- [S128] The Rucksack: Friends of McNabs Island Society, (Friends of McNabs ISland Society), 4 (Reliability: 2).
- [S110] LIBINDX Genealogical Search,, (Reliability: 2).
- [S35] Find A Grave, (Find A Grave), (Reliability: 3).
- [S36] Religious Marriages in Halifax, 1768-1841, Punch, Terrence M., (Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS. 1991), p.100 (Reliability: 2).
Transcript from microfilm parish registers.
- [S72] The family of Cassels, Cassels, Robert, (Edinburgh: author ), p.124 (Reliability: 2).
Accessed at
- [S3] Marriages Nova Scotia, Government of Nova Scotia, Canada, (Nova Scotia Archives), (Reliability: 2).
Marriage bond dated 9 Dec 1815. Other sources cite this date as date of marriage but should be noted that a bond is usually signed before the actual marriage.
- [S113] Columbian Centinel, Boston, USA, 1790-1840, (Benjamin Russell), (Reliability: 2), 20 Dec 1815.
Extract: King, Harriet Heffernan, formerly of Boston, m. James McNabb, in Halifax, N.S.
- [S39] Nova Scotia Vital Records from Newspapers, 1813-1822, Punch, Terrence M., (Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS. 1983), 34 (Reliability: 2), 16 Dec 1815.
A.R.' Sat. I l6 Dec. 1815 (Acadian Recorder)
637. =9 Dec. by Dr. Gray: Mr. James McNAB; merchant / Harriet KING.
- [S116] Morning Chronicle (Halifax) (Reliability: 2), 7 Feb 1851.
At Halifax, on the 25th ultimo, by the Revd. W. Bullock, Roderick Hugonin, Esq., son of James John Hugonibn, Esq., of Nursted, Hampshire, to Harriet, youngest daughter of the Hon. James McNab Receiver General of Nova Scotia.
- [S98] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1835-1839, 133 (Reliability: 2).
Transcription from Acadian Recorder, Saturday, 1 February, 1851
Officiant: Rev. Mr. Bullock